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21-002-SP-Call for applicants-HumanitarianCrisis_inAfghanistan.pdf

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21-002-SP-Call for applicants-HumanitarianCrisis_inAfghanistan.pdf

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Relateret materiale

21-002-SP/ Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan/ Call for applications

Due to technical problems with the CISU online platform in the beginning of the call period of the Afghanistan call, the DERF has decided to extend the days of the call period with a similar number of days. The call will therefore be re-opened and applications are received until Tuesday the 12th of October 2021 at 23:45

21-002-SP/ Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan/ Call for applications - updated

Due to technical problems with the CISU online platform in the beginning of the call period of the Afghanistan call, the DERF has decided to extend the days of the call period with a similar number of days. The call will therefore be re-opened and applications are received until Tuesday the 12th of October 2021 at 23:45