Nyhed -
22-004-RO/Armed Conflict in Ukraine/Call for applications (Revised)
Title: Armed Conflict in Ukraine
Country and location(s): Ukraine
DERF Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Funding Modality Rapid Response as per the DERF Funding Guidelines.
Call window for submission of applications: Applications are received and processed on an ongoing basis from 01.03.2022 until 24.04.2022 at 23:45 CET.
Funds allocated for this Call: The DERF allocates a total of up to DKK 10 million for this Call.
Specifically for this call:
• Applicants may send several applications under the same call, considering each intervention’s funding ceiling and maximum amount per year qualifying for.
• Grantees under this call may apply for additional funds for scaling-up existing activities, as long as such top-up stays within the funding ceiling each intervention qualifies for. Grantees can request formats for this by contacting derf@cisu.dk