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Kategorier: 22-008-sp

22-008-SP/Drought at the Horn of Africa/Call for applications

Call for applications for DERF funding of rapid response interventions responding to the following humanitarian crisis:
Title: Drought at the Horn of Africa
Country and location(s): Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan (all areas affected by drought level IPC phase 3 and above)
DERF Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Funding Modality Rapid Response as per the DERF Fun

22-008-SP Alert Note Drought in The Horn of Africa (Activated)

International Aid Services Denmark has submitted an alert regarding the drought in the Horn of Africa. The alert is activated, and DERF has decided to open a call.

The drought situation continues to worsen in the Horn of Africa, leaving large swathes of arid and semi-arid areas (ASALs) of Somalia, southern and south-eastern Ethiopia, and northern and eastern Kenya facing exceptional drought