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Kategorier: drought

Alert note: Widespread Severe Drought in Somalia (NOT ACTIVATED)

The DERF has carefully considered the submitted crisis alert Widespread Severe Drought in Somalia submitted by OFROSOM and decided not to activate the DERF for funding interventions responding to the crises.
Further information of the decision is to be found in the attached decision note.

Alert note: Widespread Severe Drought in Somalia

Somalisk Forening for Genopbygning (OFROSOM) has submitted an alert due severe drought in Somalia.
The nature of the crisis is widespread drought. The most affected areas include Jubaland (Gedo & Afmadow), Hirshabelle (Hiran), Southwest (Bay, Bakool), Galmudug (Mudug& Galgaudud), Puntland (Bari), Somaliland (Toghdheer) and Sool region. The unfolding situation follows the poor performan

Alert note: Prolonged effects of the El Niño-linked drought in Zimbabwe

Dreamtown has submitted an alert due to prolonged effects of El Nino-linked drought in Zimbabwe.
The current crisis is primarily attributed to climate change-induced drought, exacerbating existing vulnerabilities in Zimbabwe. Prolonged dry spells have led to environmental degradation, diminished water sources, and diminished agricultural productivity. The ongoing macroeconomic issues in Zimbabw

Alert Note: Drought and Wildfire Emergency in Bolivia

Aktion Amazonas has submitted an alert note due to drought and wildlife emergency in Bolivia.
On July 22, 2024, the Bolivian department of Santa Cruz declared a state of emergency through the end of this year due to extreme weather exacerbated by wildfires, further worsening the situation and polluting drinking water and the air, causing significant harm and inconvenience to the local populatio

Alert Note: El Niño-induced drought crisis in Mozambique

VedvarendeEnergi (VE) has submitted an alert note due to drought in Mozambique.
A climate and food security crisis is unfolding across Southern Africa, including Mozambique, as an El Niño-induced drought brings about crop failure and immediate need for humanitarian assistance which have been exacerbated by rising food prices, cholera outbreaks, and ongoing macroeconomic challenges. The midseaso

CALL OPENS: Drought Crisis in the Philippines

Call for applications for DERF funding of rapid response interventions answering to the following humanitarian crisis:
Title: Drought Crisis in the Philippines
Country and location(s): Affected regions of the Philippines
DERF Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Funding Modality Rapid Response as per the DERF Funding Guidelines.
Call window for submission of applicati

Alert note: Drought Emergency Response in Negros and Iloilo

Viva Denmark has submitted an alert note due to drought in the Philippines, Negros and Iloilo.
The Philippine archipelago is currently undergoing a drought linked to the most recent El Niño event impacting the nation. A State of Calamity has been declared in 131 localities, with several others experiencing a dry spell. As of now, the following regions are severely affected: I, II, III, MIMAROPA

CALL OPENS: 24-004-SO Severe Drought in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi

Call for applications for DERF funding of rapid response interventions responding to the following humanitarian crisis:
Title: Severe Drought in Zimbabwe, Zambia & Malawi
Country and location(s): Zimbabwe, Zambia & Malawi – locations in these countries affected by severe drought (IPC Phase 3 or above)
DERF Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Funding Modality Rap

Alert note: Humanitarian Intervention for Zimbabwe's Drought Emergency

Ulandshjælp fra Folk til Folk - Humana People to People (UFF-Humana) has submitted an alert due to drought in Zimbabwe.
Throughout the country, the current El Niño phenomenon exacerbates these challenges, representing one of the most potent occurrences on record. According to OCHA, the targeted Masvingo Rural District in Masvingo Province is among the top 5 districts in the country (which are a

Alert Note: El Niño drought relief in Mozambique NOT ACTIVATED

Vedvarende Energi (VE) has submitted an alert due to the drought in Mozambique.
DERF has carefully considered the submitted crisis alert and decided not to activate the DERF for funding interventions responding to the crisis in Mozambique.

Alert Note: El Niño drought relief in Mozambique

Vervarende Energi (VE) has submitted an alert due to the drought in Mozambique.
The central and southern regions of Mozambique have been hit by El Niño since Oct. 2023. According to the Southern African Regional Climate Outlook Forum, the phenomenon is characterized by below-normal rainfall during the period from Oct. to Dec. This is confirmed by the National Meteorological Institute (INAM). IN

22-008-SP/Drought at the Horn of Africa/Call for applications

Call for applications for DERF funding of rapid response interventions responding to the following humanitarian crisis:
Title: Drought at the Horn of Africa
Country and location(s): Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan (all areas affected by drought level IPC phase 3 and above)
DERF Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Funding Modality Rapid Response as per the DERF Fun

22-008-SP Alert Note Drought in The Horn of Africa (Activated)

International Aid Services Denmark has submitted an alert regarding the drought in the Horn of Africa. The alert is activated, and DERF has decided to open a call.

The drought situation continues to worsen in the Horn of Africa, leaving large swathes of arid and semi-arid areas (ASALs) of Somalia, southern and south-eastern Ethiopia, and northern and eastern Kenya facing exceptional drought

21-004-SO DERF Alert note Drought in Kenya (activated)

International Aid Services has submitted an alert regarding the drought in Kenya. DERF has decided to activate the call.

The drought is affecting arid and semi-arid areas (ASALs) in Kenya. The National Drought Management Authority (NDMA), in their July 2021 bulletin notes that the top 12 drought-affected counties are Turkana, Mandera, Garissa, Wajir, Baringo, Kilifi, Tana River, Kwale, Mars