Nyhed -
19-010-RO Crisis Alert on landslide and flooding in Bududa, Uganda (Not Activated)
b.1 Where is the crisis? Describe the areas affected
The area affected is on the road to Bukalasi in the Bududa area. It is located on the Mt Elgon, is
a coffee and banana growing community ( cash crops ) with a high population growth and a high
pressure land, which means cultivation and deforestation on the upper slopes in the valley. Land
slides occur for that reason during the rainy season
b.2 What is the nature of the crisis? Please describe the type of crisis (e.g. earth quake, other
natural disaster occurring without warning) and describe potential local social and political
implications (e.g. for specific target groups).
As mentioned it is a severe landslide which can have killed up to 55 persons and destroyed the
physical infrastructure, arable land and houses in the area. It seems that the government intend
to reallocate the remaining population a more secure area. This was also the intention with the
victims of the 2018 landslides in the neighbourhood but was never implemented
b.3 What information do you have about the situation? What is the source of that information?
Please provide available information on
- affected populations including specific vulnerable groups and access to these .
- Up to 55 persons killed or missing, infrastructure and crops destroyed. No housing
facilities. The victims live at the football ground and in a local church
- urgent emergency and/or protection needs
- Our local representative mentions that tents and blankets are urgently needed. We
expect that this will be provided by the local Red Cross. Seeds and tools will also
be highly needed if the remaining population is to reestablish what could be called
“a normal life”. In the longer run – within the coming months treeplanting,
terracing, measures against soil erosion will be a must. Energy saving stoves
must be constructed
- other actors responding and coordinating (including government, community structures,
the UN, INGOs)
- Although the government is present it is our experience from former catastrophes
in the area that the support is not sufficient and that they don’t have the capacity.
Often limited to reallocation of the population and food supply the first days after
the catastrophe.