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Kategorier: uganda

CALL OPENS: Humanitarian Emergency in DR Congo

Call for applications for DERF funding of rapid response interventions answering to the following humanitarian crisis:
Title: Humanitarian Emergency in DR Congo
Country and location(s): Democratic Republic of Congo and border areas with an influx of refugees in Burundi, Rwanda & Uganda.
DERF Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Funding Modality Rapid Response as per

CALL OPENS: Flooding in East Africa Region

Call for applications for DERF funding of rapid response interventions answering to the following humanitarian crisis:
Title: Flooding in East Africa Region
Country and location(s): Affected parts of Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Congo, Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia.
DERF Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Funding Modality Rapid Response as per the DER

Alert note: Floods in Northern Uganda – Dokolo District

Dansk-Ugandisk Venskabsforening has submitted an alert note due to flash floods in Northern Uganda.
Flash floods due to rising water levels of lake Kyoga and lake Kwania – which occurred from 9th – 14th April, 2024. It has afflicted thousands of communities in Dokolo district, destroying and displacing over 15,000 residents. Crops and livestock have been decimated, leaving families with no mean

Not Activated: 22-015-RO Altert note Response to Floods and Mudslide affected communities in Mbale and surrounding districts on the slopes of Mount Elgon

Alert Title: Floods and Mudslides in Mbale and surrounding, Uganda Alert Type: Rapid Onset Crisis
Crisis country and location(s): Mbale and surrounding districts on the slopes of Mount Elgon, Uganda
Alerting Organisation(s): International Aid Services (IAS)
Date Received: 29-9-2022 Decision Date: 3-10-2022
By: DERF Fund Management
Decision: Not to activate the DERF to respond to flo

22-015-RO Altert note Response to Floods and Mudslide affected communities in Mbale and surrounding districts on the slopes of Mount Elgon

International Aid Services (IAS) has submitted an alert note regarding floods and mudslide in Mbale and surrounding districts on the slopes of Mount Elgon.
The recent floods and mudslides that occurred since the beginning of August 2022, have caused death, displacement, and severe destruction of livelihoods on the slopes of Mount Elgon in Eastern Uganda. The most severely affected areas were Mb

22-011-RO Alert Note Floods Uganda (Not activated)

Seniors without Borders has submitted an alert note regarding floods in Eastern Uganda, in the districts of Mbale and Bukadea. The floodings started at the 29th of July and have had a severe impact in the area. More that 800 families have lost everything, up to 20.000 gardens with crops and animals have been washed away. A number of farmers have been killed by mudslides or have drowned. The infras

19-010-RO Crisis Alert on landslide and flooding in Bududa, Uganda (Not Activated)

b.1 Where is the crisis? Describe the areas affected
The area affected is on the road to Bukalasi in the Bududa area. It is located on the Mt Elgon, is
a coffee and banana growing community ( cash crops ) with a high population growth and a high
pressure land, which means cultivation and deforestation on the upper slopes in the valley. Land
slides occur for that reason during the rainy

Congolese Refugee Crisis in Uganda, (18-002-SP)

Call for applications for DERF funding of emergency relief interventions responding to the following eligible humanitarian crisis:

Title: Congolese Refugee Crisis in Uganda
Location(s): Uganda
DERF Funding Modality: DERF Funding Modality 2 Life-Saving & Stabilization
Deadline for submission of applications: Applications are received through the online application s

Uganda Food Security Crisis (17-005-RO)

Basic information about the alert
Alert date Location Crisis type/ Alert type Total funded amount Total number of applications/ Total number of approved grants 16-05-2017 Uganda Rapid onset/ Other Request 2.551.442 4/1

South Sudanese Refugee Crisis (17-001-RO)

South Sudan's recent violence splits thousands of families apart - forcing children, young persons, persons with disabilities, pregnant and lactating women as well as elders to flee their homes in search of safety.