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Alert Note:  Drought, conflict and famine in Lower Shabelle region, Somalia (17-015-SP) (Not Activated)

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Alert Note: Drought, conflict and famine in Lower Shabelle region, Somalia (17-015-SP) (Not Activated)

Alert Type: Other Appeal Alert Title: Drought, conflict and famine in Lower Shabelle region, Somalia Alerting Organisation(s): SORADA Date Received: 12. November 2017 Decision Date: 30. November 2017 By: DERF Fund Management
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Drought, conflict and famine in Lower Shabelle region, Somalia (17-015-SP) (Not Activated)

Decision: Not to activate the DERF to respond to the experienced drought and famine in lower Shabelle region, Somalia Reason: The DERF was activated on 03 May 2018 to respond to the slow onset food insecurity crisis experienced in Somalia and provided funding for a number of Danish non-HPA CSOs to respond to this crisis. The current submitted alert note, does not substantiate that the experienced