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Kategorier: notactivated

Alert note: Widespread Severe Drought in Somalia (NOT ACTIVATED)

The DERF has carefully considered the submitted crisis alert Widespread Severe Drought in Somalia submitted by OFROSOM and decided not to activate the DERF for funding interventions responding to the crises.
Further information of the decision is to be found in the attached decision note.

Alert Note: Report on Somalia flood situation - NOT ACTIVATED

Somali Danish Women in Action (SDWA)has submitted an alert note due to floods in Somalia.
DERF has carefully considered the submitted crisis alert and decided not to activate the DERF for funding interventions responding to the crisis in Somalia.

Alert Note: Floodings in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. NOT ACTIVATED

NOAH Friends of the Earth has submitted an alert note due to floodings in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
DERF has carefully considered the submitted crisis alert and decided not to activate the DERF for funding interventions responding to the crisis in Brazil. .

Alert Note: El Niño drought relief in Mozambique NOT ACTIVATED

Vedvarende Energi (VE) has submitted an alert due to the drought in Mozambique.
DERF has carefully considered the submitted crisis alert and decided not to activate the DERF for funding interventions responding to the crisis in Mozambique.

Alert Note "Floods in Tana River, Kenya" - NOT ACTIVATED

International Aid Services (IAS) has submitted an alert due to the floods in Tana River in Kenya.
DERF has carefully considered the submitted crisis alert and decided not to activate the DERF for funding interventions responding to the crisis in Northern and Coastal Kenya.

23-001-SO Altert Note Drought in Eastern Bolivia (Not Activated)

Aktion Amazonas has submitted an alert regarding food and water shortages due to prolonged drought in eastern Bolivia. DERF has decided not to activate the alert. For further information see the attached decision note.

Bolivia is hit by drought and the country's eastern region, Santa Cruz, is among the departments worst hit. More than half of the department’s municipalities are affected by

22-002-SO Alert Note Drought in South Sudan (Not Activated)

An alert has been submitted by International Aid Services relating to the drought in South Sudan. DERF has decided not to activate the alert.
The crises is taking place in Kapoeta East of Eastern Equatoria State-South Sudan. Kapoeta borders with Uganda in the south, with Kenya in the south-east and with Ethiopia in the north-east. Domestically, it is bordered by Central Equatoria in the west an

21-005-SO Alert Note Humanitarian Crisis in Mozambique (not activated)

Sustainable Energy (Vedvarende Energi) has submitted an alert regarding the humanitarian crisis in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique. DERF has decided not to activate. Please see the attached decision note for more information on this.
The Massive displacement in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique's northern province has put an enormous strain on existing water and health facilities. As a result, a concerning sho

21-003-RR DERF Alert Note Humanitarian Response for IDPs (Children) in Dessie Town (not activated)

International Aid Services has submitted an alert regarding the humanitarian crisis for IDPS in Dessie Town, Ethiopia. 

DERF has decided not to activate the alert. Please see the decision note for more information on this.
As a result of the current conflict between Tigray People Libration Front/TPLF force and Ethiopian Defence Forces/EDF more than 104,275 IDPs influxes to Dessie city fr

20-024-RO Floods in Vietnam (Not Activated)

​Care Danmark has submitted an alert on the floods in Vietnam. The DERF was not activated to the alerted crisis because of no availability of DERF funds. Since October, Central Vietnam has been struck by the worst storms since 1999. The disaster continues to unfold. As of 22nd November, floods and landslides directly affected 1.3 million people and claimed 130 human lives.

20-022 RO Flash Floods in Somalia (Not Activated)

OFROSOM has submitted an alert on the flash floods in Somalia. The DERF was not activated to the alerted crisis because of no avaialbility og DERF funds. Flash floods have affected over 250,000 people. Over 85 %of the displacement occurred in the two most affected regions in the Shabelle river basin.

20-015-RO Floods in Niger (Not Activated)

CARE has submitted an alert on the flooding in Niger. The DERF was not activated to the alerted crisis. The Niger River left its bed in several places causing extensive damage and loss of life, destroying houses, rice paddies and vegetable gardens. The unmet need for food and non-food items remain important and even increasing.

20-013-RO DERF Alert note Port Explosion in Beirut - Danmission (Not Activated)

Danmission has submitted an alert regarding the crisis in Beirut in Lebanon. The massive explosion combined with the drastic changes in political, social and economic realities have destabilized all areas of life. The country is experiencing its worst economic crisis with COVID-19 cases increasing drastically. The DERF was not activated for the alerted crisis.

20-013-RO DERF Alert note Port Explosion in Beirut - DIGNITY (Not activated)

DIGNITY have submitted an alert note regarding the situation in Beirut in Lebanon. An explosion in August killed at least 135 persons while also injuring and making many more displaced. Health facilities were damaged adding to the strains imposed on the health system due to COVID-19. The DERF was not activated for the alterted crisis.

Spike in armed conflict Mindanao, Philippines (18-008-SP) (Not Activated)

Decision: Not to activate the DERF to respond to the experienced humanitarian crisis in Mindanao, Philippines. Reason: Only 2 Danish CSOs without a separate humanitarian funding agreement with Danida are known to CISU as active in Mindanao where the crisis-affected localities is localized to the two municipalities of Tubaran and Pagawayan. This is further confirmed by the response by Danish CSO ap

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