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Kategorier: somalia

Alert note: Widespread Severe Drought in Somalia (NOT ACTIVATED)

The DERF has carefully considered the submitted crisis alert Widespread Severe Drought in Somalia submitted by OFROSOM and decided not to activate the DERF for funding interventions responding to the crises.
Further information of the decision is to be found in the attached decision note.

Alert note: Widespread Severe Drought in Somalia

Somalisk Forening for Genopbygning (OFROSOM) has submitted an alert due severe drought in Somalia.
The nature of the crisis is widespread drought. The most affected areas include Jubaland (Gedo & Afmadow), Hirshabelle (Hiran), Southwest (Bay, Bakool), Galmudug (Mudug& Galgaudud), Puntland (Bari), Somaliland (Toghdheer) and Sool region. The unfolding situation follows the poor performan

CALL OPENS: Armed inter-clan conflict in Somalia

Call for applications for DERF funding of rapid response interventions answering to the following humanitarian crisis:
Title: Conflict in Somalia
Country and location(s): Somalia – Nugal, Mudug, Galgadud, Hiraan, Shabelle, Bay, Bakool, Jubaland & Gedo regions (geographic areas with recently documented influx of IDPs)
DERF Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Funding

Alert Note: Armed Inter-clan conflict in Somalia

OFROSOM, IFTIN Organization, Rajo Organization and Somali Rehabilitation and Development Association (SORADA) have submitted an alert note due to an armed inter-clan conflict in Somalia.
Armed inter-clan violence has displaced nearly 150,000 people in different parts of Somalia, especially in Galmudug, Puntland and Jubaland States. Those displaced are particularly vulnerable, with women, childr

Alert Note: Report on Somalia flood situation - NOT ACTIVATED

Somali Danish Women in Action (SDWA)has submitted an alert note due to floods in Somalia.
DERF has carefully considered the submitted crisis alert and decided not to activate the DERF for funding interventions responding to the crisis in Somalia.

Alert note: Report on Somalia flood situation

Somali Danish Women in Action (SDWA) has submitted an alert note due to floods in Somalia.
As of 15th May 2024, the flood situation in Somalia remains severe, with heavy rains and flash floods affecting millions of people across the country. The Gu season floods have already impacted over 203,000 individuals, resulting in the displacement or relocation of approximately 37,000 people and the tra

CALL OPENS: Flooding in East Africa Region

Call for applications for DERF funding of rapid response interventions answering to the following humanitarian crisis:
Title: Flooding in East Africa Region
Country and location(s): Affected parts of Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Congo, Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia.
DERF Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Funding Modality Rapid Response as per the DER

CALL OPENS: 23-020-RO Flash and Riverine Floods in Somalia

Call for applications for DERF funding of rapid response interventions answering to the following humanitarian crisis:
Title: Flash and Riverine Floods in Somalia
Country and location(s): Somalia, incl. Puntland and Somaliland
DERF Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Funding Modality Rapid Response as per the DERF Funding Guidelines.
Call window for submission of app

23-020-RO Alert Note: El Niño Flash Floods in Somalia

Rajo Organisation has submitted en alert note due to El Niño Flash Floods in Somalia.
Torrential deyr (October to December) rains have triggered floods, according to the Somalia Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) and OCHA reports. As of 6 November, it is estimated that over 706,100 people have been affected, with over 113,690 people displaced from their homes across the country. Southwest and J

CALL OPENS 23-009-RO Flooding in Somalia

Call for applications for DERF funding of rapid response interventions responding to the following humanitarian crisis:
Title: Flooding in Somalia
Country and location(s): Somalia – particularly Belet Weyne district, Hirshabelle State, and Baardheere in Jubaland State. The call is restricted to the following districts: Zeylac, Borama, Burco, Ikushuban, Burtinle, Galkayo, Cadaado, Dhuusamarre

23-009-RO Alert Notes Flooding in Somalia

SORADA and ORGANISATIONEN FOR FRED OG UDVIKLING I DET SYDLIGE SOMALIA (OFUSS) have submitted alerts due to the flooding in Somalia.

The crisis is affecting Beletweyne district of Hirshabelle state of Somalia. The crisis greatly affects the low-lying areas of the district that are proximate to the river Shabelle and largely used for agricultural alongside livestock production.
Moderate r

22-016-AA Special Call for Horn of Africa

DERF Call Title: Special call for the Horn of Africa
DERF Funding Modality: Anticipatory Action Modality
Country and location(s): The Horn of Africa, including all drought affected locations in Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia and Kenya.
Call window for submission of applications: Applications are received within a call-window of 2 weeks, from 28 November to 12 December 2022 at 23:45 CET.

22-008-SP/Drought at the Horn of Africa/Call for applications

Call for applications for DERF funding of rapid response interventions responding to the following humanitarian crisis:
Title: Drought at the Horn of Africa
Country and location(s): Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan (all areas affected by drought level IPC phase 3 and above)
DERF Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Funding Modality Rapid Response as per the DERF Fun

22-007-RO Alert Note Fire on Market in Hargeisa Somaliland (Not Activated)

The organisations GURYASAMO, Somaliland Kvindeforening, Dansomala Forening, IFTIN Organisation, Multikulturel Kvindeforening, Khayr Foundation, SRNF Forening, Rajo Organisation, Hayaan Somaliland Humanitarian Organization, Hudeidi Organization, Xidiig Organisation OFROSOM og SSPDO have submitted an alert regarding a fire on the main market in the city of Hargeisa in northern Somalia.
The fire b

21-008-SP/ Severe Drought in Somalia/ Call for application

Title: Severe Drought in Somalia (21-008-SP)
Location(s): Somalia (incl. Somaliland)
DERF Funding Modality: DERF Funding Modality Rapid Response
Call window for submission of applications: Applications are received and processed on an ongoing basis from November 26, 2021, until January 3, 2022, at 23:45 CET. (Please note that applications are not processed between 22 December 2021 – 3

21-008-SP Alert Note Spike in Drought in Somalia (Activated)

An alert has been submitted by Somalisk Forening for Genopbygning (OFROSOM) relating to the spike in drought in Somalia. DERF has decided to activate the call.
The nature of the crisis is severe drought and famine. An estimated 2.3 million people in Somalia – almost 20 per cent of the population in 57 out of 74 districts – are experiencing alarming water shortages, due to a worsening drought. A

21-001-RO DERF Alert note Drought in Somalia - ARD-Action for Relief And Development (Not activated)

 ARD-Action for Relief And Development has submitted an alert regarding drought in Somalia.
DERF has decided not to activate the alert.
In the beginning of 2021 came a drought that hit hard in Bay, Gedo, lower Jubba, Bakool and middle Jubba. Due to the amount of rain that fell in March-April-June 2021 Gedo, Bakool, parts of the Bay region and Galmudug are facing extreme drought again.

20-022 RO Flash Floods in Somalia (Not Activated)

OFROSOM has submitted an alert on the flash floods in Somalia. The DERF was not activated to the alerted crisis because of no avaialbility og DERF funds. Flash floods have affected over 250,000 people. Over 85 %of the displacement occurred in the two most affected regions in the Shabelle river basin.

20-010-RO Alert Note Floods in Somalia (Fund not activated)

OFROSOM has submitted an Alert Note regarding flooding in Somalia. At least 16 people has died while more than 200.000 people have been affected by torrential rains and riverine floods since the Gu' rain started in Somalia four weeks ago. For further information, please refer to the alert note.

19-029-RO: Tropical Storm Pawan in Puntland Somalia - Call for Applications

Call for applications for DERF funding of emergency relief interventions responding to the following eligible humanitarian crisis: Tropical Storm Pawan in Puntland, Somalia. Deadline for submission of applications: Applications are received and processed on an ongoing basis from Thursday 02.1.2020 until Sunday 19.01.2020 at 23:59.

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