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21-002-SP DERF Alert note Humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan - Danish People's Aid

Danish People's Aid has submitted an alert regarding the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.
After the Taliban took over the control of the country on August 15, 2021, the living standards and conditions of the entire population has deteriorated. Many people have lost their jobs due to the collapse of the previous government system at the centre as well as in the provinces. This situation has p

21-001-RO DERF Alert note Drought in Somalia - ARD-Action for Relief And Development (Not activated)

 ARD-Action for Relief And Development has submitted an alert regarding drought in Somalia.
DERF has decided not to activate the alert.
In the beginning of 2021 came a drought that hit hard in Bay, Gedo, lower Jubba, Bakool and middle Jubba. Due to the amount of rain that fell in March-April-June 2021 Gedo, Bakool, parts of the Bay region and Galmudug are facing extreme drought again.

Kom med til relanceringen af DERF

Torsdag 9. september lanceres den næste version af DERF, Danish Emergency Relief Fund.

Lanceringen foregår online fra klokken 10.00, og deltagerne vil blive
præsenteret for de nye retningslinjer med en gennemgang af de
forskellige støttemodaliteter og om, hvordan man kan søge DERF aktiveres
og hvordan DERF aktiveres.

Derudover vil også være en række inspirerende i

Nye budgetformater for DERF i høring - frist d. 8. august 2021

Udkast til opdateret budgetvejledning og budgetformat for Den Danske Nødhjælpspulje (DERF) sendes sammen med budgetvejledningen og -formatet til civilsamfundspuljen i åben, offentlig høring. Alle med interesse for CISU's puljer opfordres til at give deres input og kommentarer. Alle har mulighed for at indgive skriftlige høringssvar frem til søndag den 8. august kl. 24.00. på puljer@cisu.dk

The DERF continues to be managed by CISU in collaboration with Save the Children

The contract is not yet signed, but the standstill period where other tenderers may come with objections has already passed. The DERF team will now start to re-design the DERF as proposed in the tender material. A specific start-date for the DERF 2 is not yet agreed on, but it is likely to be on the other side of the summer holidays. We understand the inconvenience the delay is causing.

DERF current grants and deadlines in 2021

The existing DERF grants will be finalized by the current grant holder and CISU during 2021. However, as CISU has reporting deadlines to the Ministry on the contract, and the grants must be ended within the set timeframe, the following instructions must be adhered to as per the list below.

DERF in 2021

The DERF managed by CISU and Save the Children- Denmark starts 2021 with no available funding for calls, which also means that incoming alerts will not be assessed.
This is because the current DERF contract between CISU, Save the Children-DK and Danida has come to an end as of 31.12.2020.
The new DERF contract for managing the Pool of Funds from Danida from 2021 onwards will undergo a tende

20-024-RO Floods in Vietnam (Not Activated)

​Care Danmark has submitted an alert on the floods in Vietnam. The DERF was not activated to the alerted crisis because of no availability of DERF funds. Since October, Central Vietnam has been struck by the worst storms since 1999. The disaster continues to unfold. As of 22nd November, floods and landslides directly affected 1.3 million people and claimed 130 human lives.

20-023-SP/Armed conflict in Mozambique/Call for applications

Call for applications for DERF to the following humanitarian crisis: Armed Conflict in northern Mozambique. Location: Cabe Delegado province. Partially also Nampula and Niassa provinces. Funding Modality: Applicants are to apply for the DERF Modality Rapid Response Deadline: Sunday 8-11-2020 at 23:45. The DERF allocates a total of up to DKK 2.400.000 for this Call.

20-023-SP Armed Conflict in Mozambique (Activated)

SOS Børnebyerne has submitted an alert regarding the armed conflict in Mozambique. The DERF was activated for the alerted crisis. Since end of 2017, Cabo Delgado province has experienced constant terrorist attacks. The attacks are motivated due to the discovery and initial process of exploring gas and oil in the region.

20-022 RO Flash Floods in Somalia (Not Activated)

OFROSOM has submitted an alert on the flash floods in Somalia. The DERF was not activated to the alerted crisis because of no avaialbility og DERF funds. Flash floods have affected over 250,000 people. Over 85 %of the displacement occurred in the two most affected regions in the Shabelle river basin.

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