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Kategorier: derf

The DERF is again open to receive alerts and applications

The DERF continues to support civil society organisations working in humanitarian contexts. The four-year DERF agreement between the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the consortium partners of CISU and Save the Children Denmark will be extended. Fund manager Christoph Lodemann explains, that the extension is based on the condition that the Financial Bill for 2025 is approved. This means tha

Information regarding summer holidays

Dear DERF users
Due to upcoming holidays, please note the following:
From July 7th until August 6th, disbursement request, adjustments requests etc. will not be processed by the DERF team.
Crises alerts are not assessed from July 7th and until July 30th.
From August 6th all services are back to normal, i.e., the usual ongoing processes with disbursements, requests and of course Q&am

No Alerts will be received / calls will be opened until the Finance Act for 2023 is approved

The DERF is currently not able to provide humanitarian grants due to the fact that the Danish Government has not yet approved the 2023 Finance Act. Therefore, the DERF will neither assess incoming alerts nor open calls for applications for the time being.
When the Danish Government has approved the 2023 Finance Act, which is expected to happen during March- April 2023, we will inform the DERF

Nye budgetformater for DERF i høring - frist d. 8. august 2021

Udkast til opdateret budgetvejledning og budgetformat for Den Danske Nødhjælpspulje (DERF) sendes sammen med budgetvejledningen og -formatet til civilsamfundspuljen i åben, offentlig høring. Alle med interesse for CISU's puljer opfordres til at give deres input og kommentarer. Alle har mulighed for at indgive skriftlige høringssvar frem til søndag den 8. august kl. 24.00. på puljer@cisu.dk

The DERF continues to be managed by CISU in collaboration with Save the Children

The contract is not yet signed, but the standstill period where other tenderers may come with objections has already passed. The DERF team will now start to re-design the DERF as proposed in the tender material. A specific start-date for the DERF 2 is not yet agreed on, but it is likely to be on the other side of the summer holidays. We understand the inconvenience the delay is causing.

DERF in 2021

The DERF managed by CISU and Save the Children- Denmark starts 2021 with no available funding for calls, which also means that incoming alerts will not be assessed.
This is because the current DERF contract between CISU, Save the Children-DK and Danida has come to an end as of 31.12.2020.
The new DERF contract for managing the Pool of Funds from Danida from 2021 onwards will undergo a tende

COVID-19 response - polical agreement to allocate 25 mill. DKK to the DERF pool of funds.

As part of the Danish response on COVID-19, the DERF pool of funds has been allocated 25 mill. DKK. as part of the broad political agreement reached by the Government on 1 April 2020. DERF users are hereby informed that the 25 mill. DKK COVD-19 funding will be operationalized on the basis of an agreement with Danida on these additional funds. For more information, please read below.